SQL Learning
Structured Query Language
In most cases, this is the first thing that any person involved in the data world learns apart from the usual Excel & Spreadsheets.
Over the years, I’ve personally used SQL extensively and it’s the one language I truly understand and use almost every week in and out.
It’s used in ad-hoc analysis, reports, dashboards and any type of backend or database activity that I’m doing.
MySQL. PostgreSQL. Microsoft SQL. Amazon Redshift.
Almost used most of the forms out there including the most popular ones above, they all have similar syntax but differ in certain specifications across the board.
I realised there are many repetitions of code snippets or logic that’s happening and I was wasting time in the same over and over again. This made me start a simple note file called “SQL Learnings” so that I can go back and refer to it anytime I need it.
And now, that it has enough notes and learnings, I’ve decided to make it public on this page and
Keep updating it as soon as significant additions are made.
Some of my learnings are code-based/syntax based, some logic based and some on very basic stuff for my own reminders/mistakes done in the past.
Note: This whole set of learnings was made for one sole reason, to help yours truly here in repetitive work and to have one resource to go to.
I would highly recommend everyone to create their own lists so as to help them and reduce re-work every time they start working.